Issue 4.1

Fall 2023: Anti-Monuments

nothing / everything changes

—Hope Anderson

Marking the start of our fourth series, Issue 4.1: Anti-Monuments dismantles the spectacular monumentality that is bound up with capitalist innovation, colonial extraction, and accelerated growth, instead focusing on how we can slow down, care for, and strengthen existing relationships across time.

Featuring new poetry and prose by Judith Copithorne, Rhys Edwards, Tawhida Tanya Evanson, Kaie Kellough, Danielle LaFrance, D.S. Marriott, Tracie Morris, and Samantha Marie Nock; an artist project by and accompanying interview with Maggie Groat; a special section on the work of Hope Anderson (including an introduction by Jenny Penberthy, a conversation with Wayde Compton, and poems by Hope Anderson, both old and new); a 1975 conversation between Roy Kiyooka and Gladys Maria Hindmarch on friendship, faith, and pain; and an image folio of works by Qian Cheng, Aubin Soonhwan Kwon, Jenine Marsh, Eunice Luk, and Cadence Planthara, with a poetic response by Zoe Imani Sharpe, meditating on slowness and craft.

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Cover: Maggie Groat, from S LOWER F, mixed media and digital collage, 2023.
Cover: Maggie Groat, from S LOWER F, mixed media and digital collage, 2023.

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