Editor: Brook Houglum
Issue 3.26 (Spring 2015) is a special issue on “Pacific Poetries” featuring work that takes up Pacific regional environments and poetics, trans-Pacific migration and geopolitics, and more. The issue features a series of short conversations and collaborations between writers and artists from Vancouver to LA to Sydney to Seoul; poems and video stills from Fred Wah and Nicola Harwood’s project “High Muck a Muck” on Chinese immigration to Canada; artwork by Sonny Assu, Henry Tsang, Cindy Mochizuki, and Hong Kong-based Map Office; New Zealand-based Lisa Samuels’s folio of work from Pacific Oceania; and new texts by Jordan Abel, Rae Armantrout, Roger Farr, Jen Hofer, Ya-Wen Ho, Glen Lowry, Daphne Marlatt, Garry Thomas Morse, Vaughan Rapatahana, Renee Saklikar, and many others.
A companion to this issue, ti-TCR 12, is available here.