Announcing Issue 3.23: Languages

is ready!

Issue 3.23 includes translations of new or old texts, re-translations, comparative translations, experimental translation, language/s behaving in unexpected ways, multilingual writing, other Englishes, mimicry, mis-translation, fumblings between languages, faux-translation, trans-translation, etc. We also feature the “languages” of different genres and the interplay between them.

Donna Zapf interviews composer, translator, art historian Christopher Butterfield

–Colin Browne interviews Ian Wallace on references to “Vancouver” in early 20th century French poetry

–Artists foregrounding text: Rebecca Brewer, Cathy Busby, Allyson Clay, Garry Neill Kennedy, and Margaux Williamson

Sarah Dowling introduces and curates a section on multilingual poetry

Michael Turner curates a section on Text-Based Public Art in Vancouver

–Writers: Peter Culley + Elisa Ferrari, Ted Byrne, Jordan Abel, Stephen Collis, Geneviève Robichaud, Rachel Zolf, and many more.


Image: Robert Smithson’s “A Heap of Language” (1966), a work of “language to be looked at.”

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