George Stanley’s new book

North of California St. launch Thurs Oct 23 at the Western Front

TCR is happy to announce a new book from our board member and  steady contributor to the magazine, George Stanley. North of Cal­i­for­nia St. com­prises selected poems orig­i­nally pub­lished in the 1980s and 1990s in Open­ing Day, Tem­porar­ily, Gen­tle North­ern Sum­mer, and At Andy’s, now out of print. Sharon The­sen, another TCR board member and valued contributor, intro­duc­es the collection.

The book will be launched at the Western Front on Thurs October 23, 2014..

Watch for Nikki Reimer’s review of North of California St. in the next issue of TCR 3.24.

rob mclennan’s review

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