George Stanley Issue Launch + Tribute to Jenny Penberthy

The launch of the George Stanley issue at the Sylvia Hotel Bistro on May 18, 2011 was a great success.

The evening at the Sylvia began with a surprise tribute to Jenny Penberthy, who has stepped down as editor of TCR after six years and seventeen issues. During Jenny’s tenure, she also established CUE Books, TCR’s book publishing arm, coordinated our recent web re-design, and a lot more. Sharon Thesen and Pierre Coupey spoke of Jenny’s tremendous contributions to TCR and local and national writing and art communities through her editorship, and Colin Browne read a poem in celebration of Jenny’s work. Jenny received gifts from The Capilano Press Society Board and Capilano University’s Humanities Division. TCR is grateful to Jenny for her extraordinary dedication to the magazine and its readership.

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