Issue 3.45

Fall 2021: Weather

Weather can shape the language of a place.
—Bopha Chhay

Issue 3.45 (Fall 2021) guest-edited by Phanuel Antwi and Junie Désil harnesses the everyday presence of the weather to consider its entangled social, ecological, physical, and physiological forms. Gesturing to the work of Christina Sharpe, who reminds us that “the weather is the totality of our environments; the weather is the total climate; and that climate is anti-black,” this issue draws on the lived and living histories blueprinting our current atmospheres while also asking: What are some possibilities for living, moving, breathing, despite the climate we collectively find ourselves in?

With short-form and critical writing by Phanuel AntwiKimberly BainBopha ChhayGodfre LeungRobin Simpson, and Rita Wong; poetry by Jordan AbelJ.R. CarpenterEmily ChanJunie DésilGenevieve Fuji JohnsonZehra NaqviNnadi Samuelyamagushiku shōSophia Ashley, and Sanchari Sur; a conversation with Benedicta Bawo and Maysa Zeyad where, in dialogue with our guest editors, they elucidate the kind of weather system Black support workers navigate on the frontlines; selected works from Vancouver Special: Disorientations and Echo on view at the Vancouver Art Gallery until January 2022, as well as artwork by Lesley Loksi Chan who is also featured on the cover.

Lesley Loksi Chan THE OTHER WAY 2017
Lesley Loksi Chan THE OTHER WAY 2017

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