
Alessandra Capperdoni

Alessandra Capperdoni teaches Literature and Critical Teory in the Department of Humanities at Simon Fraser University. She holds a degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Bologna (Italy) and a PhD in English from Simon Fraser University, BC. Her interest in translation has developed in conjunction with her work on poetics, experimental writing, psychoanalysis, and feminist poststructuralist discourse, as well as 20th century theories and philosophies of language (from Russian formalism to Benjamin, Derrida, Meschonnic, and Kristeva). Her articles on translation have appeared in Translation Effects: The Making of Modern Canadian Culture (eds. Kathy Mezei, Sherry Simon and Luise von Flotow), Trans/acting Culture, Writing, and Memory: Essays in Honour of Barbara Godard (eds. Eva C. Karpinski, Jennifer Henderson, Ian Sowton and Ray Ellenwood), Translating from the Margins/Traduire des marges (eds. Denise Merkle, Jane Koustas, Glen Nichols and Sherry Simon), and in the journal TTR: Traduction, traductologie, redaction.

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