Thank You!

Thank you for supporting our crowdfunding campaign!

All of us at The Capilano Review would like to thank you for your enthusiastic support of our recent fundraising campaign. You give us the confidence we need to create a strong and independent TCR.

Many thanks to the individuals and organizations who contributed generously to the array of tempting rewards.

a. rawlings | Allyson Clay
Andrew Klobucar | Catriona Strang
Christine LeClerc | Colin Browne
Cory Woodcock | Daphne Marlatt
David Farwell | Elizabeth Bachinsky
Fred Wah | Geoffrey Farmer
George Bowering | George Stanley
Jenny Penberthy | Jordan Abel
Jordan Scott | Karl Siegler
Katherine & Kevin Mooney | Kim Minkus
Margaux Williamson | Meredith Quartermain
Michael Ondaatje | Michael Turner
Miriam Nichols | Nikki Reimer
Oana Avasilichioaei | Pierre Coupey
Rita Wong | rob mclennan
Ryan Knighton | Sheila Heti
Thea Bowering

Vancouver Whitecaps FCVancouver Canadians Baseball          Vancouver Symphony Orchestra

Vancouver Art Gallery      Turning Point Ensemble     Vancouver Opera

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