Wednesday, August 30, 2023
12:00pm PST / 3:00pm EST
Free Admission
Virtual attendance by Zoom (Register on Eventbrite here)
To celebrate the summer launch of Issue 3.50: In(ter)ventions in the Archive, The Capilano Review invites readers to join us for an open “book club”-style discussion of the issue alongside co-editors Deanna Fong and Jacquelyn Zong-Li Ross. The event will open with an informal discussion of how the issue’s archival concept and contents materialized. We will then open the floor to readers. Which pieces spoke to you and why? What is your own experience working in archives, and how did the issue reflect (or not reflect) that experience? What connections did you find between pieces? Bring your thoughts and questions for discussion. We value your engagement and are excited to connect with you in this new forum!
Accessibility and joining information:
The event will be held over Zoom. Attendees are invited to pre-register through Eventbrite. If you have trouble accessing the Zoom link through Eventbrite, email us at contact@thecapilanoreview.com for access.
The Capilano Review is committed to ensuring an inclusive and respectful environment for all that is free of harassment, violence, and discrimination. We will not tolerate any disrespectful conduct at the event, and are committed to preventing and eliminating inappropriate behaviour through active moderation.