
Marika Yeo / Same Dust

My work is often created from the premise of search, the act of seeking out traces of things left behind while both recreating and celebrating a tension in fluidity and movement. The surfaces are patterned with designs that reference West African and Caribbean prints along with floral patterns from the British Arts and Crafts movement. These patterned forms represent a desire to understand the layers and pieces of history and culture that have had an influence on my background.

As I seek to understand the coming-together of these materials, I also intend to emphasize the ambiguity that is generated by the spaces and cracks left in between. My love of working with clay and layered patterns has allowed me to reflect on the symbolic uses of these materials and to recognize the catharsis that can emerge through the practice of reinscription. As I go through the steps of bringing individual pieces together to form a new whole, I draw upon a different form of language to communicate that which is continually in a process of becoming.

See more of Marika Yeo’s work in our Winter 2018 Issue 3.34.

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