Bowering Contest

Enter the contest to be published in the upcoming George Bowering issue — Bowering’s Books — this Fall 2014.

The Capilano Review invites critical discussion — in essay or other format — of any of George Bowering’s many works.  Clint Burnham will judge the entries.

Here is Clint’s statement:

George Bowering’s work has always been deeply rooted in history, memory, and autobiography. Now the work invokes another dimension of past: the fifty-plus years since he made his debut as a writer in the TISH group, the anniversary editions of various novels and poetry collections (Burning Water, Kerrisdale Elegies), and the status of Canadian writers in a globalized, digital epoch. How do we discuss critically such an oeuvre: turn to the archive, maintain his position via current theoretical paradigms, or wholeheartedly embalm him in the literary history of 20th century CanLit?


Deadline: August 15, 2014 (postmarked)

Award: $500 + publication in the Fall issue, TCR 3.24.

Fee: $35 for Canadian entries and $45 (CAD) for non-Canadian. Maximum length 2,000 words or 4 pages.
Each entry will qualify for a one-year subscription to The Capilano Review. If you already have a subscription, we will extend your subscription or sign up a friend.

Submit and pay online:


You can also submit and pay by mail. Please include your name and email address on the cover letter but no identification on the pages of the essay itself. Your fee payment should be made out to The Capilano Review.

Mail to:
Bowering Contest
The Capilano Review
2055 Purcell Way
North Vancouver, BC V7J 3H5


Photo: Bowering at the 2014 National Finals | Poetry In Voice

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