
Tina Terrie Desnomies

TINA TERRIE DESNOMIES, Native Spirit name Whispering Wind, was born August 25th, 1959 in Regina, Saskatchewan. She was raised by her grandmother, a kind, loving, and positive role model until she was twelve years old, after which she grew up through the streets all over Canada and the United States. For the last five years she has been focused on her art practice, working with painting, beadwork, carving, sculpture, and mixed media. “Art helps me relax and deal with stress and emotional and financial issues; it helps me to problem solve, to clear my mind, and to see things in a more positive way. If you look into the darkness, you can choose to see the darkness as the negative or as the positive — we all have a choice to a certain degree. Art is balancing and gives me a new outlook on life, a new direction.”

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