Michelle Sylliboy
MICHELLE SYLLIBOY is a Two-Spirited L'nu/ Mi'kmaw artist and Assistant Professor at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia in the departments of Modern Language, Education, and Fine Arts. Sylliboy was born in Boston, MA, and raised on unceded Mi’kmaw territory in the community of We'koqmaq, Cape Breton. She gathers much of her inspiration from personal tales, the environment, and her (L'nuk) Mi'kmaq culture. Her interdisciplinary art practice has led her to work with emerging and professional artists from all over Turtle Island. Sylliboy is currently pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy in Education from Simon Fraser University. Her dissertation combines her artistic background and education by writing about her Mi'kmaq Komqwejwi'kasikl (hieroglyphic) living curriculum. Her recently launched Komqwejwi'kasikl clothing line is now available.