April 15th to July 31st

TCR opens its 8th Annual Blaser Contest judged by Fred Wah

April 15th to July 31st

From April 15th to July 31st, TCR invites entries to its Annual Robin Blaser Contest. The winning entry receives $1000, plus publication in an upcoming issue.

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“I read, walk, listen, dream and write among companions. These poems do not belong to me.”
—Robin Blaser, Syntax 1983

Statement from this year’s judge, Fred Wah

Blaser notes that of the “things that run interference on a poet’s life,” listening can be one of the most difficult “companions” to work with. We might listen as a way to locate, or even dislocate, particular resonances we feel in our relationship with the world. We might seek reciprocity with a river, a place, the relations that bind us, those things that help us find meaning. For this year’s Blaser contest, we’re interested in poetry that explores the dynamic of listening as a praxis.

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Fee: $30 for Canadian entries, $40 for US/international entries
Length: Maximum 6 pages per entry.

*Each entry includes a one-year subscription to The Capilano Review. If you already have a subscription, we will extend your subscription or sign up a friend!

Please review our guidelines before submitting your poetry


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